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装2.9版的license client就行了

大佬,请问能做个proD 2.7的防卡顿补丁吗?


请问有harness prod 2.7的防卡补丁吗?
还有同时装了electric P8 2.7和 harness prod 2.7,启动harness prod的时候总会提示硬件冲突,错误%1,进入软件后,没法导入外部3D模型。这个问题有没有解决办法?

1.install Baidu Netdisk ( https://pan.baidu.com/download) 2.visit the link "https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qpMin0eHUQ2Il5zJ0LFFeA" in the browser, and input the extraction code 3. download the vdz file that you need, and the browser will start Baidu Netdisk automatically 4. sign in and download the file